For a young man, the most amazing, the most exciting thing, than in an old man found the spirit of youth. -- Maurois
We cannot live together with grass and trees can not rot, and lived, to make a difference. -- Fang Zhimin
Life is an ocean, hope is the helmsman of the compass, so that people don't lost in the storm. -- Diderot
The paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice. -- Lu You
Under the support of a lofty goal, working non-stop, even slow, it will certainly be successful. -- Einstein
Morality is not the conscience of the despicable means, but the struggle and hardship, passion and pain. -- Thomas Man
If people are in sympathy with charity, humanitarian acts to remove the curse, it can eliminate half life disaster. -- Edison
The principle of my life is to turn work into fun, and to turn it into a job. -- Ai Bole
Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. -- Seneca
Life in the ground, often not want not a door-hinge is never worm-eaten, water does not rot. -- Xu Mingkui
There are a lot of good books in the world, but these books are good only for those who will read them. - pidding
Histories make men wise; poems the witty; mathematics subtle philosophy makes people profound, moral, grave, logic and rhetoric makes an orator. - Bacon, Francis
The only purpose of science is to relieve the suffering of human existence, and the scientist should think for most people. - Galileo
As long as you are willing to learn, you will be able to learn. -- Lenin
Reading that has been more, to ask the lack of knowledge. -- Wang Anshi
The greatest respect for truth is to follow the truth. -- Emerson
His view of the world, in the national newspaper. -- Song Jiaoren
The pursuit of science requires special courage. - Galileo
Ceasm.com:There is only one success --- to be able to spend your life in your own way. -- Christopher Molly
To maintain the personality not only by the credit, but also rely on loyalty. -- Gerd
Duty of the state. -- Han Yu
Agency work is similar to the manufacturing industry, the results of the work is not to create a personal performance of the face of the show, but the results of the factory to show the results of the factory. - Meng Sen
Books a revelation of my wisdom and soul, side help me to stand up in a mud, if it is not a book, I sank in the mud puddle, I would be stupid and indecent drowning. - Golgi
There is no basis for friendship that is more stable than a common enemy. - Ireland
When a young man is young, is blessed, but to keep his youth to enter the tomb, it is more than 100 times the blessed. -- Chekhov
In the infinite time of the river, life is only a small, small wave. -- Guo Xiaochuan
In their own labor to create and understand the beauty of labor. -- Sue Home Linsky
What is the taste of love without youth? What is the meaning of youth without love. -- Byron
Opportunity is very rare, but he has the three most successful conditions, that is, like a deer in general will run legs, stroll the streets of leisure time, and the Jews that tolerance. -- Balzac
Bend to the truth, once the rise chest, will be of indomitable spirit. -- Shen Shunfu
A happy disposition is calming, Congress does not feel the pressure of age, but with opposite disposition, young and old are equally a burden. -- Plato
An attempt at a wrong life is not only an idle life, it is more glorious, and it is meaningful. -- Bernard Shaw
Time is the most sophisticated judge of all criminals. -- Shakespeare
The ideal book is the key to wisdom. -- Tolstoy
The essence of life is movement, death is peaceful and quiet. -- Pascal
Without freedom of thought, there is no science, no truth. - Lenan
Is God, in love, it is difficult to keep smart. -- Bacon
Fantasy is no harm, it can even support and strengthen the perseverance of workers. -- Pisarev
The foundation of friendship lies in the fact that the heart and soul of the two people are the most similar. -- Beethoven
Often think of the death of national emergency regardless of personal danger. -- Sima Qian
Love is buried deep in one’s heart,not between the lips. -- Tennyson
There is no such thing as failure for an indomitable man. -- Bismarck
The debate is the best catalyst of thought. -- Pavlov
People want to live independently, learn useful skills. Cade:
Science is by no means a book that will never be finished. Every great achievement brings new problems. Any development with the passage of time will be the emergence of new serious difficulties. -- Einstein
The soul is not where it lives, but where it loves. - English proverb
They hope you are always great, always beautiful. They wouldn't have thought that genius was sick. -- Balzac
Friendship! You are the soul of the mysterious paint; you are the life of the connection of social sweeteners. -- Lo Blair
The main tragedy of life is to stop fighting. -- aositeluo
Life can not do anything, but the need to have a strong desire, if necessary, at the expense of life. -- Leo Leonov
Life is a serious illness, just a proud word. -- Wang Yangming
All human dignity, lies in the thought. Carle - Perth
Not to participate in the struggle to change society, the ideal is always a mirage. -- Wu Yunduo
Interest in the content of the knowledge may become a learning motivation. - Zankov
The reality is that on this side, the other side is ideal, across the middle of the river rapids, action is the bridge on the river. -- Krylov
The so-called youth, is the psychological young. -- Konosuke Matsushita
I would have such a love the world in my eyes at this time is divided into two parts: half her, where everything is happy, hope, bright; the other half is not her everything, where all is depressed and dark. -- Lev Tolstoy
Reading will do for a husband? To identify the cause, to repair the kiji human body, the head, with good absorbedly study for. -- Wang Fuzhi
Life is short, so we shouldn't spend a quarter of our time on books that are not worth reading. -- John Ruskin
The king, can be said to be the mainspring a giant clock time, which mercilessly rules of the schedule. From life to death of every move, from morning to night to go to bed, and even love to play in the moment a moment, not his own. -- Zweig
Beauty is a powerful source of moral purity, mental health and physical strength. -- Sue Home Linsky
The truth of the little diamond is rare and rare, but once the mining, can be durable, hard and bright. -- Beveridge
Life is not limited to human pursuit of their actual goal of day-to-day operations, but shows the human to participate in a cosmic rhythm and the rhythm in all kinds of ways prove its own existence. -- Tagore
In order to play their role in life, love life. -- Luo Dan
Youth is a kind of continuous intoxicated, is a rational crazy. -- Laroche Fraser C
Any credible truth is a kind of image of truth. -- Black
I think it is reaching for the stars of the spirit, has made many of us work long time. No matter where, let the work full performance of this spirit, which makes us lay aside good work for better work. - Leo Burnett
Youth does not keep, the white hair natural born. -- Du Mu
People living in the world is like a ship sailing in the sea, the most important is to identify the direction of progress. -- Pan Shu
Faith is an oasis in the heart, the thought of the camel team is never to go. -- Gibran
A person's society is equal to the body's cells, to a person's body sound, not to say that every cell must be sound. -- Wen Yiduo
Truth is a noble word, but it is a great achievement. If the human mind and emotions are still healthy, it will have to excited. -- Hagel
There is no free order and no order of freedom, the same is destructive. -- Theodore I
Waste time is wasted, time is called life. - Janger
As we come into the world, society will be in front of us a huge question mark, how do you spend your life? I never take comfort and pleasure as the purpose of life itself. -- Einstein
Like newborn babies, the truth of science is bound to develop in the struggle, widely spread, and without. -- Franklin
Truth is an ordinary thing, and truth is a matter of ordinary things and ordinary people can not be separated from the. -- Feng Ding
Young men are fitter to invent rather than thinking, and to discuss the short stem longer than a short, longer than innovation in discreet. -- Bacon
To make you career, first for one time. -- Lu You
The tragedy of a genius is tied to a small but comfortable place. -- Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Genius can not make people do not have to work, can not replace labor. To develop talent, we must work for a long time to learn and work in high tension. The more talented people, the more complex the task he faces, the more important it is. -- A Smirnov
Labor, not only means the actual ability and skills, but also means that the development of intelligence, means that the cultivation of thinking and language. -- Sue Home Linsky
A life is water, lightly ground up waves. -- Liu Yuxi
Conscience is the protector of the social order that is inspired by the self preservation of the individual. -- Maugham
People have to be honest, because in them there is the secret of eloquence and virtue, have a moral influence. -- Amir
Happiness lies in living for others. -- Lev Tolstoy
Ceasm.com:Wisdom belongs to the human race, while the style is a writer. -- Mo Pertti
Hey, have you ever heard a may get in my youth, wisdom may mature in decay before. -- Emerson
Where there is a genius, I used to work on the work of others to drink coffee. -- Lu Xun
Who do not eat the bread of the tears of the people who do not understand the taste of life. -- Gerd
System problem is not solved, ideological style can not solve the problem. -- Deng Xiaoping
Ideal for me, has an extraordinary charm. My ideal is always full of life and the smell of the earth. I never dream of things that can't be realized. -- aositeluo
Life is like a road. The most recent short cut is usually the worst. -- Bacon
A person of rare talent and easy to lose, people can not know the lord. -- Liang Peilan
Love is demanding, because it is demanding and short. Friendship is tolerance, because tolerance and long. -- Zhou Guoping
In terms of love, a woman may be very strong, but also may be very weak. Either love others, or accept the love of others, once fall in love, that is, it was ordered her to drill into the fire, she would also be willing to obey. -- Zhu Yaoxie
When the honorary secretary of the poet, the poet's favor, the situation is like a speculator caressing his first shares. The relationship between the partner type, and friendship is quite similar to the horizon. -- Balzac
Antagonistic to a person if alone, if the exposure to the relationship between collective, exposure to outside the scope of any unite the people of the great thoughts, you will become lazy and conservative, and life development. - Golgi
Science, is one breath is also loose; scientific achievement is perseverance and patience. -- Zhang Guanghou
Science also needs to be created, and it needs to be fantasy, to be able to break the shackles of tradition, to develop science. -- Guo Moruo
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